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Writer's picture: Angie TouraniAngie Tourani

By Louisa Wah Hansen

  • If I ask you which is more powerful: a super computer or the human brain, what would your answer be? Most people would say: “The super computer, of course!”

  • Apparently, that would be true—if you were to use only the “normal” capacity of your brain.

  • Albert Einstein once said that most of us are using only 5 percent of our brain power. What about the rest of it? The fact is that our educational system and society have trained us, from Day One, to focus on the development of our left brain—the part of the brain that handles rational thinking. The other side, the right brain, which is responsible for emotions, language, creativity, and most important of all, intuition, has largely been neglected. But it is here where original ideas flourish, where innovation takes place, where deep human connections happen.

  • When the whole brain is tapped into, the power and data comparable to a super computer—in fact, far more than that—would be available to you in an instant, and you don’t even have to be a genius to do that.

  • The myth has always been that geniuses are born. Either you have “it” or not. But what if I told you that you could actually have access to the same tool that geniuses such as Amadeus Mozart and Nikolai Tesla had, and expand the capacity of your brain power by a million times?

  • “ “The rational mind is the faithful servant and the intuitive mind is the sacred gift. We have created a society that honors the servant and forgotten the gift.” ~ Albert Einstein”

  • To illustrate the power of the intuitive mind in action, let’s look at the example of the Russian athletes during the 1980 Olympics Games. The athletes were divided into three groups with varying degrees of physical vs. mental training. It turned out that the group that received 25 percent physical training and 75 percent mental training grabbed more gold metals than the group that received 75 percent physical training and 25 percent mental training. This is a telling example of how powerful the mind is when it comes to our external performance—even if it has to do with physical performance!

The idea of “work smart, not hard” cannot be more true in this example.

Mindscape: The Modern-day Tool to Tap into Your Innate Super Computer

  • To access the unlimited power of your mind and to tap into the knowledge of the entire universe, there is a tool called Mindscape, invented by Australian  Dr. John Veltheim. He is the originator of the non-intrusive healthcare system known as BodyTalk.  Dr. Veltheim invented Mindscape in his 20s. It is a mental technique that allows a people to manifest their dreams, visions and goals in reality. The goals are not limited to career success but all aspects of life, may it be academic studies, relationships, finance, family, health and much more.

  • Does it sound too good to be true? Well, I wanted to know too. So I went for a weekend seminar on Mindscape, conducted by Angie Tourani, the only Mindscape instructor in Hong Kong, and tested whether it works or not.

  • During the seminar, I learned how to get into the alpha state through constructing a workshop in my mind. The alpha state is when the mind is in a very relaxed state, similar to when you are daydreaming. You are aware and awake, but in this state, where the brain operates at the frequency between 9 and 14 Hz, the subconscious predominates.

  • I then learned to work on different aspects of my life, including rehearsing all the tasks on my to-do list, connecting with people whom I want to have deeper and authentic communications, inviting experts to help me with my problems, heal myself and others, exercise, meditate and more.

  • After the seminar, I was blown away by what manifested in my life as a result of the work in my mental workshop. First, there was instant healing of an ankle pain I had had for over four months. Then, tension in two interpersonal relationships suddenly eased up. Over the course of the next two months, I also experienced the excellent result of being able to slow down the passage of time and accomplish a large number of tasks every day, which initially seemed insurmountable.

  • To my delight, I have also been able to experience what the Olympics athletes achieved through mental training. Not getting gold medals, of course. But I had been inactive for over half a year and worried about not being able to return to my favorite activity—ballet—without suffering a great loss in technique and strength. However, Mindscape has allowed me to not only practice every day to brush up my skills, but also to invite the best ballerinas in the world to coach me—all within my mental space. When I returned to the dance studio, I found myself picking up the movements as if I never had a long break. Sure, my body was stiffer and weaker than before, but the fundamental skills such as balance and coordination are still there, and I know that as long as I keep on practicing, I will be able to improve and do well at it again.

  • Last but not least, Mindscape can be an excellent tool for enhancing meditation and personal growth. As the Indian spiritual teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj has once said: “All you need is already within you,” Mindscape can literally help us get to what is already inside us in a systematic way.

For more information, on upcoming MindScape Seminars please visit or contact Angie Tourani at

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