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Stress happens to everyone and winter months or periods around the holidays can make for increased instances of stress for some. At the core, stress is any type or physical or emotional strain, it’s our body’s response to something that requires attention.

We will all experience stress, but it’s how we learn to respond to that stress that can make the biggest impact on our overall health.

How does stress impact our bodies?

There is a natural level of stress that exists in all of us to some degree. Genetic and epigenetic disposition push some to be more sensitive towards their environment and more susceptible to external stressors. For these people, small amounts of stimulation produce an intense response in the form of stress.

However, there is something known as “amplified stress”, which exceeds the typical levels of natural stress. This “reactionary stress” is simply the body turning up stress levels in certain parts of our physiology to better cope with a trigger. Doing so is the body’s method of calling for a more active response during a demanding situation. However, extended environmental stressors can make things worse for the body.

But beyond one’s individual makeup comes the common practice of investing too much thought into stress, which only makes it more harmful towards the body. As tension continues to build, our bodies create free radicals, which are the precursors to many diseases.

How can MindScape help address stress?

You may have read about the various benefits of the MindScape Seminar from our past posts, but one of the main upsides of this course is the stress release. MindScape can help participants get into an alpha state of mind through a simple, step-by-step process of visualization. This is a meditative state, and when you are in this relaxed state of mind, you are free from stress and anxiety which allows you to function at an optimum level. Alpha brain wave which is conducive to heightened intuition and creativity.  Other benefits of alpha brain wave is it supports better sleep, decreases anxiety and depression, increased resilience to stress, increased ability to solve problems and relaxed body and mind.

A lot of times, the solutions and opportunities are all there, but you can’t perceive them because the five senses are over-stimulated. Even if you have never meditated before, MindScape can be a good start. In addition, you can stay in this meditative state throughout the day.

What are people saying about MindScape for stress?

Don’t take our word for it, many people have had successful experiences with "MindScape, specifically in how it relates to relieving stress.

“My life has changed since I've trained with MindScape. For the most part of it, I'm stress free - wake up happy every single day (and sleep like a baby at nights ^_^). By using the techniques and letting go of anything that held me back before, I feel empowered and confident all the way around. My creativity is like limitless after each session. My life now is the happiest life I could ever imagine.” — Monique Ho

Ready to change your life with MindScape?

Register for our upcoming online intro talk for MindScape, or find out more information on the seminar here.


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