The key to optimal health and wellness is already within us. Understanding the mind-body connection is essential to unlocking the true potential of your health and happiness.
This is the essence of the BodyTalk system, a holistic therapy grounded in the belief that we all have the ability to heal ourselves by addressing emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing. This method is consciousness-based and non-diagnostic, working with the body in its healing process and stimulating our body’s innate ability to balance and heal itself on all levels.
The theory behind BodyTalk
BodyTalk treatments have been described as “acupuncture without needles”, aims to listen to your body and engage and enhance communication between bodily systems to allow your body to heal itself. This is why the mind-body connection is so essential. There are three main principles to the BodyTalk theory:
The body has the ability to heal itself. This methodology uses the “innate wisdom” that exists in our bodies to allow your body to heal itself and recover from any and all types of injury, illnesses and imbalances.
Stress impacts overall health. There are a lot of things in one’s life that will contribute to stress and a person’s state of health: lifestyle, genetics, history and environmental factors all come into play. When stress comes into our body from external sources, it interferes with the communication systems in our body, which leads to emotional and physical health problems.
The body communicates via energetic circuitry. We have referenced several times the inner communication systems in our bodies. This is the notion that our cells, atoms, neurons and every aspect of our body is in communication through circuitry at all times. Stress can compromise this circuitry and create a breakdown of communication channels. How Body Talk combats this, is to reconnect these broken communication lines and facilitate open communication between all elements of your body to promote inner healing.
How BodyTalk treatments work
We have described a bit about how BodyTalk works, but to give you a bit of a more in-depth understanding, think of these treatments as whole healthcare approaches to both physical and psychological issues. BodyTalk practitioners, like Angie Tourani, will use a number of non-invasive techniques to help those in treatment tap into your body’s natural healing system.
People rave about BodyTalk treatments so much because of the results' safety, simplicity and speed. Because we are working with addressing underlying causative factors as per the body's priority in the healing process, our health and the causative factors behind it are unique to us as our thumbprint. Each BodyTalk treatment is tailor-made to the client's needs. Therefore clients will see long-lasting and ongoing improvements in their health, as opposed to the short-term symptomatic relief found in traditional health treatments.
Because of working with the body’s natural healing ability, clients have seen good results with BodyTalk treatments for a wide variety of health issues:
Hormone imbalances
ADD/ADHD/learning disorders.
Chronic pain
Arthritis / Inflammatory conditions
Ready to learn more?
Book in an exploratory 20-minute BodyTalk complimentary online consultation with Angie Tourani, please visit our website.