The Science behind MindScape
Your brain is an electrical organ that is continuously sending out signals through electrical impulses. The frequency of the impulse is measured in cycles per second and the frequencies vary depending on your thoughts. These cycles are identified as patterns. Different patterns are formed according to corresponding levels of consciousness.
Humans are prototypically functioning at this wave pattern. It indicates that you are awake and alert, better referred to as the conscious mind.
BETA | 14-30HZ | 14+ CPS

This wave pattern is assosicated with daydreaming or a meditattive state. It lies somewhere inbetween the conscious and subconscious mind.
ALPHA | 9-13HZ | 7-14CPS

During the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phase of sleeping, the brain is functioning with a Theta wave pattern. This activity is analogous with the subconscious mind
THETA | 4-8HZ | 4-7 CPS

Such a low level of frequency is only obtainable during the deepest phases of sleep. This brain activity relates to the 'sub' of the subconscious mind
DELTA | 1-3HZ | 0-4 CPS

There are four identifiable wave patterns that occur in our brains:
We also know that the human brain is divided into 2 hemispheres that are divided by a thin brain tissue. Each hemisphere of the brain is responsible for different neurological processes.

Left Brain Hemisphere | Beta
Logical & Analytical Thought
Learned Principles & Facts
Linear and Sequential Learning
Perception of fear and anxiety
Connection to the cycles per second of Beta Brain Waves

Right Brain Hemisphere | Alpha
Creative & emotional expression
Deep understanding as a whole
Intuitive Processes of learning and being
Recognising situations of potential, possibilities and abundance.
Connection to the cycles per second of Alpha brain aves
Understanding the above, it is obvious that to affect the deep changes you are seeking you need to engage the right hemisphere of the brain and therefore the alpha brain wave patterns.
The MindScape techniques enable you to take control the different levels of your consciousness. You will learn to realise the possibilities and unlimited abundance that awaits you. This will guarantee and ensure optimal productivity and success in all spheres of your life, making the impossible, possible and giving you a live free of limitations.
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Want to know more about Mindscape? Check out our Video collection
I’ve been introduced to body talk through Angie Tourani. She’s always been an excellent effective practitioner as I knew when she worked in my medical office for many years.
Also, I particularly like her distance sessions! I can’t believe that whilst I am travelling in different country, I can email complaining about my neck pain or fatigue, and I’m immediately feeling better after she does a session It’s like night and day. I don’t think I need to see anything else.
Angie gave me a distance session, as I was in a very low place financially and emotionally. Everything I tried, both in business and my regular job, was not working, and my income had dwindled to almost nothing. After that session and some suggested meditation practice for three days, things started to turn around, and I was blown away. My partner and I were amazed at this, and I am forever grateful to Angie.
A few months ago I started body talk sessions with Angie Tourani. My first sessions took place in Hong Kong while visiting a friend but I had to go back to the country where I am living ...8 hours away by plane. In a few sessions I realized it was the right therapy for me so I decided to pursue the healing by distance sessions. I have been impressed by the accuracy of the diagnosis Angie was able to make without seeing me physically and the way she conducted the healing. I had TMJ problems, mild depression due to some personal issues, disturbed sleep and a low immunity. In a few weeks I was cured of these problems - the pain on my jaw has disappeared completely, the mild depression has gone and my immunity is now much stronger. Angie worked on the physical and emotional problems at the same time and got me really in shape and happy. Thank you to Angie for bringing me so much comfort with BodyTalk.